Sunday, March 29, 2009

Destructoid Arcade Module

The Destructoid Arcade Game is a relatively new type of game in MLN. As in the others you can win something by clicking on it. It costs 20 Red Lego Bricks to build and needs 3 slots.

The owner will get one Arcade Token per try, limit 5 per harvest. Before he has to set up the game with one arcade token.


It costs 1 Arcade Token to play. You play a minifig trying to destroy several blocks the owner did set up. He had to set up blocks before. Goal is to destroy them with less hits than the owner's best. If you succeed you won the game.


There are blocks which take 1 to 3 hits to destroy, bombs, destroying a whole row, and star stones, giving 15 hits extra. You can decide between two figs, blocks and skulls and three different backgrounds.


  • 10 % 1 Destructoid Arcade Sticker
  • 35 % 1 Dino Fang
  • 5 % 5 White Lego Bricks
  • 10 % Destructoid Game Module Blueprint
  • 35 % 5 Loose Sparks
  • 5 % 2 Arcade Tokens


Red Lego Bricks

The Red LEGO Brick is the first type of Brick that the player comes across in My LEGO Network, and are immediately introduced to the player at the beginning. Of all LEGO Bricks in the game, the Red LEGO Brick is one of the most used, and while they are most commonly used in the first three Ranks, they are a crucial part of, and used extensively in, Rank 7 and Rank 8, requiring large amounts to be used, and are generally used throughout the game.
Blue Lego Bricks

The Blue LEGO Brick is the second type of Brick that the player comes across in My LEGO Network. The player first introduced to the Blue LEGO Brick in Rank 2.
Yellow Lego Bricks

The Yellow LEGO Brick is the third type of Brick that the player comes across in My LEGO Network. This type of brick is first introduced in Rank 3.

Green Lego Bricks

The Green LEGO Brick is introduced alongside the Purple LEGO Brick in Rank 4.

Purple Lego Bricks

The Purple LEGO Brick is introduced alongside the Green LEGO Brick in Rank 4.

Orange Lego Bricks

The Orange LEGO Brick is the sixth type of Brick which the player uses in My LEGO Network. The Brick is first introduced to some players in Ranks 4, and are used extensively in Rank 5.

White LEGO Bricks

The White LEGO Brick is introduced alongside the Black LEGO Brick and the Grey LEGO Brick in Rank 8, making them the seventh, eighth, and ninth type of Brick which the player uses in My LEGO Network. The White LEGO Brick represents the House of Mantles faction in Rank 8.

Black Lego Bricks

The Black LEGO Brick is introduced alongside the White LEGO Brick and the Grey LEGO Brick in Rank 8, making them the seventh, eighth, and ninth type of Brick which the player uses in My LEGO Network. The Black LEGO Brick represents the House of Gauntlets faction in Rank 8.
Grey Lego Bricks

The Grey LEGO Brick is introduced alongside the White LEGO Brick and the Black LEGO Brick in Rank 8, making them the seventh, eighth, and ninth type of Brick which the player uses in My LEGO Network. The Grey LEGO Brick represents a neutral, unified, or symbiotic standpoint in the struggle between the House of Mantles and the House of Gauntlets, believing that they should be one.

Transparent Lego Bricks

The Transparent LEGO Brick is the last type of Brick which the player comes across in My LEGO Network, and are first introduced to the player in Rank 9. The majority of Rank 9 revolves around the use of Transparent LEGO Bricks, and is arguably the most difficult Brick to obtain in the game.

Friday, March 27, 2009

LEGO Universe Skin

The Lego Universe skin is a skin that gives a page a Lego Universe theme. It is awarded by playing Friendly Felix's Concert Module and winning. It requires 10 Plastic Pallets build.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Lego Club Badge Rank 1

The LEGO Club Magazine Badge, Rank 1 is a Badge that could be obtained by entering a special code from the LEGO Club Magazine or the LEGO Brickmaster Magazine. Once a magazine subscriber entered the code, they would receive a letter from Max. The letter would contain the LEGO Club Magazine, as well as a message, saying that once you built the Badge, you could befriend him.

The LEGO Club Magazine Badge can still be obtained to this day.


By having the LEGO Club Magazine, you are capable of befriending Max. You can get unique, useful Modules from his Trade Modules on his Public Page, particularly:

  • LEGO Club Magazine Module, Rank 1 Blueprint for five (5) Red LEGO Bricks
  • LEGO Club Magazine Module, Rank 2 Blueprint for twenty-five (25) Blue LEGO Bricks
  • LEGO Club Magazine Module, Rank 3 Blueprint for twenty-five (25) Yellow LEGO Bricks

Additionally, the LEGO Club Magazine Modules can only be clicked on by other people who have the LEGO Club Magazine Badge. Also, if you do not have the Badge, you are not capable of being Max's friend.

How to Obtain and Create

In order to obtain the Club Code used to get the Blueprint, you need to have access to an issue of LEGO Club Magazine or LEGO Brickmaster Magazine. By taking the ClubCode and entering it in the spot at the top of the LEGO Club Homepage, you would see Max appear on the screen. He would say that he has sent you a letter with the LEGO Club Magazine Badge Blueprint, and thanks you for remaining loyal to LEGO.

When you went to your private view, you would see the letter that Max had sent to you. The letter would contain the LEGO Club Magazine Badge Blueprint, and a message, saying that, once you built the Badge, you could befriend him.

The LEGO Club Magazine Module costs five (5) Red LEGO Bricks to make.

Badge Description

This Badge is awarded by Max to LEGO Club Magazine Subscribers only.


While looking at the Badges Page or any Public Page, the Badge is called the "LEGO Club Magazine Badge". However, in the the Items tab under the Inventory tab, where you create your Badge, it refers to the Badge as "LEGO Club Magazine Badge, Rank 1". This is believed to be an error made by the LEGO Group. It is possible that there could be more LEGO Club Magazine Badges in the future, but from how the Badge is publicly described, it is implied that this Badge is the only LEGO Club Magazine Badge that will exist.

Click here to get the Lego Club Badge Rank 1.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Apple Butter

Apple Butter is an item on My Lego Network. It can be used to get the Better Bee blueprint from Bee Keeper Bill.

How To Obtain

It can be obtained by:

  • Sending Henrietta an Apple Pie. She will send you a Honey Pie blueprint in return.
  • Make the honey pie and send one to Henrietta. She will send you the Apple Butter blueprint in return.

Building Requirements

  • 10 Apples
  • 5 Honey Pots


Apple Butter can be used to get the Better Bee blueprint. Mail Bee Keeper Bill an Apple Butter and he will send you the Better Bee blueprint.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hop Arcade Module

Hop is a arcade game, similar to the Concert Module. The blueprint is now obtainable from Echo's page for 150 Red Lego Bricks. It costs 20 Red Lego Bricks to build and 1 Arcade Token to run. Guests can play the Hop arcade game by spending 1 Arcade Token. You can also get the blueprint by winning the others Hop Module.

If you get the blueprint from Echo's page, you will receive a mail from Echo with a token attached.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Farmer John

Farmer John is a Rank 1 networker that is crucial for players to get to Rank 1, by allowing them to get the Crimson Apple Masterpiece Blueprint.

His friends are:

  • Bee Keeper Bill
  • Echo
  • Flora
  • Henritta

Page Trades

  • The Lego Tree Module Blueprint for 25 Red Bricks
  • The Farm Pet Module, Rank 1 Module Blueprint for 80 Red Bricks
  • Farm Pet Module, Rank 2 Module Blueprint for 200 Red Bricks
  • The Chickens Loop for 5 Red Bricks

Mail Trades

  • You can obtain the Tuba Loop by sending him the "I wanna rock!" Message
  • The Crimson Apple Masterpiece Blueprint for an Apple Pie

Farm Pet Module, Rank 2

This Farm Pet Module is the larger version of the Farm Pet Module, Rank 1. Taking up 3 slots, it makes 150 Red Bricks after every 100 clicks . When clicked, it has a chance of sending a random sound loop to a friend on the owner's friend list.


The Farm Pet modules are often criticized as "useless" because of the amount of Bricks that it makes for that much clicks. The only thing it's needed for is to get Loops.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Red Bricks

Red LEGO Bricks are the first Bricks needed in MLN to make Modules/Items. Each new User starts with 50 Red Bricks in their inventory and then must use modules to get more. Although Red Bricks are mainly used from Rank 0 to Rank 3, you will find them useful for later ranks as well.

Where you obtain Red Bricks from:

  • Lego Tree Module(1 Slot, 10 per day plus 1 per 5 clicks)
  • Lego Club Magazine Module, Rank 1(1 Slot, 15 per day plus 1 for each click)
  • Lego Gallery Module, Rank 2(2 Slots, 15 per day plus 1 per 5 clicks)
  • Lego Factory Module, Rank 2(2 Slots, 50 per day plus 1 per 5 clicks)
  • Farm Pet Module, Rank 1(1 Slot, 20 per 100 clicks)
  • Farm Pet Module, Rank 2(3 Slots, 100 per 150 clicks)

What they are used for:

  • Making Apples
  • Borrowing stickers from the Sticker Preservation Affiliate (Requires 1 Red brick)
  • Trading with Farmer John
    • The Lego Tree Module Blueprint for 25 Red bricks
    • The Farm Pet Module, Rank 1 Blueprint for 80 Red bricks
    • The Farm Pet Module, Rank 2 Blueprint for 200 Red bricks
  • Trading with Dolill
    • The Totemic Fang for 5 Red bricks
  • Trading with Archaki
    • the Totemic Feather for 5 Red bricks
    • The Totemic Fur for 5 red bricks
  • Trading with Vihow
    • The Totemic Claw for 5 Red bricks
  • Trading with Kotori
    • The Totemic Scale for 5 Red bricks
  • Making the Agori Trophy Module
  • Making the Bionicle Skin

Highest harvest rate per day(for general public): 4 Lego Club Magazine Module, Rank 1s and 4 Lego Factory Module, Rank 2s - 260 Red Bricks per day (without any clicks).

Farm Pet Module, Rank 1

This module requires 10 Apples to run. Guest can spend 1 Apple for the Farm Pet to send a fair amount of Strawberries(15 per message) to a random person on the owner's friendlist. Creates 20 Red Bricks per 100 clicks, limit 100 per harvest.


The Farm Pet modules are often criticized as "useless" because of the amount of bricks that it makes for that many clicks. The only thing it's needed for is to get Strawberries though you need a small amount just to get to Rank 2.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


You need to have 10 Thornax, which isn't hard to get, considering that Thornax Plant Modules are cheap to build and grow Thornax quite quickly.

Trade Atakus 10 Thornax for the BIONICLE Skin blueprint. Build it and go to the Page Builder section of your private page. Finally, go to the Edit Background section and change your skin to BIONICLE. Now your page background looks like the BIONICLE Networkers' pages!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Star Justice Deputy Badge

The Star Justice Deputy Badge is a badge obtainable by a hidden page in the Lego Factory Space website. It allows players to befriend Capt Reynolds, and start the SSJ mission to retrieve a Data Crystal , stolen by Bob Skull. The badge does not require a blueprint to get the badge. Click here to get the badge.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dead Letter Postman

The Dead Letter Postman is a secret Networker. You can be any rank to be friends with him (although you have to be have Yellow Bricks to get his page trades, which usually requires gaining Rank 3 if the S.P.A. Badges haven't been earned.) He handles all letters and packages in My LEGO Network. He's been a postman for 185 years. According to, he now sends mail to anyone who alters their avatar using the invisible or Echo glitches.

Page Trades

  • A Skateboarder sticker for 1Yellow Brick
  • An Angler Ambush sticker for 1 Yellow Brick
  • A Skeleton sticker for 1 Yellow Brick
  • A Kieken sticker for 1 Yellow Brick
  • A Scratch 2 loop for 1 Yellow Brick
  • A Synth 2 loop for 1 Yellow Brick
  • A Piano 5 loop for 1 Yellow Brick

Monday, March 2, 2009


Q: Which of these bricks is more valuable? Orange Brick, Green Brick or Purple Brick?

A: In my opinion, it is the Green Brick. The Pet Panther Module and the Prehistoric Fern Module mixes two Yellow and Blue Bricks to form 1 Green Brick. To make Orange bricks, you need to mix Red Bricks and Yellow Bricks and to make Purple Bricks, you need to mix Red Bricks and Blue Bricks. As you know, Yellow Bricks are more valuable than Red Bricks and Blue Bricks, and Blue Bricks are more valuable than Red Bricks, we put it this way:

Yellow Brick --> Blue Brick --> Red Brick
( The symbol '-->' means 'more valuable than')

So, if Purple Bricks need Red and Blue Bricks to construct, it is the most invaluable Brick among the Orange and the Green Brick.

--> Purple Brick

And if Orange Bricks need Red and Yellow Bricks to construct, it is the second most valuable Brick among the Green Brick and the Purple Brick.

--> Orange Brick --> Purple Brick

Then, the Green Bricks must be the most valuable Brick among the Purple and Orange Brick as it needs Blue and Yellow Bricks to construct!

Green Brick --> Orange Brick --> Purple Brick

See, it all sums up!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lego Tree Module

Lego Tree Module

The LEGO Tree module is the first Module you start with that grows Red Bricks. But most people prefer the Lego Club Magazine Module, Rank 1 because it grows more Red Bricks faster with a higher harvest limit.

How To Get

You automatically start with one, but you can also get the blueprint by trading 25 Red Bricks on Farmer John's page.

Harvest items

It grows 10 Red Bricks per day plus 1 for every 5 clicks Limit 50 per harvest.


Echo is a Rank 1 networker in MLN. When you start playing MLN, he is automatically your friend.

Echo's Page

Below are the things that you can find on Echo's page:

  • DUPLO Fueler Sticker for 1 Red Lego Brick
  • Blue Star Sticker for 1 Red Lego Brick
  • Shaker Loop for 1 Red Lego Brick
  • Hop Game Module blueprint for 150 Red Lego Bricks
  • Code Module (Enter a code for a surprise item).

The only item known is the Lego World Event Badge

Echo's Mail

Below is a list of all of the objects you can get in the mail from Echo (on the left side is what Echo gives, and on the right is what you say/what item you attach):

  • Apple Blueprint for one (1) Apple
  • If you bought the Lego Tree Module from Farmer John, you will get a letter from Echo with a sticker attached.
Echo's Friends
  • Kludge Dropcolumn
  • Capt Reynolds
  • Max
  • Farmer John
  • F Stop Clikzgerald